People called The Diggers Book 12
The Story of a People called The Diggers and They Live Underground.
This story starts with we have an old mine that goes for miles and even goes down and up and all over this one mountain that we own. One day we can hear like an echo of someone digging and rocks falling. So we go to investigate. We get where the noise is coming from and it just stops. We cannot find anything where the noise was coming from.
So we go back outside the mine and go around to the other side of mountain to see if there are any holes on the mountain. Sure enough there Is a big hole on the back side. I radio to the one of the guys and say can you bring the front loader to the back side of the mountain. We had roads all the way around the mountain. It was not long when he showed up. When he looked at it he said this was one of the first holes we cut to see what was there and did not go too far because the rock was so hard it took way too long to cut a tunnel.
But now with the machinery we have now we can start cutting it again. I said I think there is someone already in there making their own tunnels. Just wondering what they have found than even why they are here in the first place. I got on the tractor and we headed down the tunnel and then we start to see lights and all kinds of it seemed like little people and some not so small.
I stopped by all the people standing around and shut of the tractor so we can hear. One of the guys come over and said who are you guys? I said we come back here to start working on our mine again and we found all of you here. The guy said that I guess we did not walk around to the other side of this mountain because that is where we are from. The valley on the other side of this mountain is where we come from. We have a hard time to get there in the winter so we all said we have to tunnel to get to the valley so we can use the road year round to get there.
Then one of the guys come up and said we have hit a big yellow rock and all our tools we have we can only chip it and it seems with this big thing they have they can move it for us and even take it with them. I said ok show me where it is. We start the tractor and head that way. We get there and there looks like a big wall and it was bright yellow and looks like a big rock. I said we can try and we went over and dug it out and said ok we will be back later ok. So we left with this big rock and when we got out side we could see it was all yellow and good size. We headed back to the other side of the mountain and when we got there everyone said where did you get this? On the other side in a big hole. It seems like we should have keep digging we would have found this ourselves. We cleaned it off and we tested it and it was