The Secret of the Lost Valley. We are called the Rubins Chapter 1

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The Secret of the Lost Valley. 

 We are called the Rubins

Chapter 1

 I was Wondering one day I come across a Cave and When I went in the

Cave it was noticeably big.  I could of drove my truck in and had plenty of room to setup camp.  As I was looking around the cave, I could not see away out. Only the way I come in.  I went back and setup camp.  When I got done, I heard a noise coming from the back of the cave.  I grabbed my flashlight and started toward the back of the cave.  All of sudden something come out of the shadows and it seemed to be great big bat.  It was walking funny.  I said boy you look strange.  Then a voice said, you think I look strange you ought to look in the mirror yourself.  I just looked at it and then I said, what did you say?  I said, you look butt ugly buddy.  You can talk.  The thing said, ever since I was little.  You are the only one I have seen around here in a long time.  I kind of found this cave by accident.  I was just wandering around just looking and I found this cave.  How long have you been here and what do you call yourself?  I am called a Rubin and my name is Kat.  What is a Rubin?  When there was many of us, we used to steal and rob.  So, we took the name Rubin.

   Where are you from?  We are from the Lost Valley.  Where is the Lost Valley?  There is nothing there to see now.  The land is barren and there is not any food left.  We left there long ago.  That is when all the trouble started.  We stole for food, and anything we could find.  I think I am the last one.  I can fly too.  So that is why you thought that I look like a big Bat.  But I am just a Rubin with no home and nowhere to go. I think we can find a place for you.  I need someone to help me get around in these woods.  I have been lost ever since I come here.  Could you show me the Lost Valley?  Kat just looked at me and then said, well I guess I could, but we will have to wait until morning.  I said, I have a extra blanket it you want one.  Kat said, that would be good because it gets cold here in the cave at night.  My wings keep me somewhat warm, but a blanket would be nice for a change.  She come out into the light and now I could see her really good.  If she did not have the wings she could pass as a human.  Her ears are a little bit bigger than mine but not that big.  The next morning, I woke up and she was sitting beside me watching me.  She looked at me and then said, Well get up and we have to get going.  As I got out of bed and got dressed, she watched me very closely.  When I was ready, we left and I followed her.  She looked at me and said, if you could fly this would be easier.  I was a little man and I weighted 125 lbs.  I said, will grab me and fly.  She come over and grabbed me and took off. 

I really did not think that she would really do it.  We flew for quite aways and then she landed.  We can walk the rest of the way.  I went over and sat down.  She sat beside me and then she said, It has been a long time since I have flown with something that heavy.  I need some rest.  How far is this place anyway?  Not far now.  She got up and said, well let’s go.  I got up and I followed her.  We come up to a small cave.  She turned around and said, I usually just fly in, but this way is just as easy.  We used to go this way when we were tired from flying all day.  We went into a cave and It seemed like we would never get out of the cave.  Then I see a small light.  We come out into a small clearing and I could see the mountains all around us.  She said, we are here.  I followed her until she stopped.  She turned around and said, this is where we used to have the camp.  It looks like there has been no one here for a very long time.  We made camp because it is getting dark now.  I lit a fire and I said, well what is for supper.  She looked at me said, what do you mean by that.  I mean What do you usually eat around here.  Whatever we can find.  What is this we bit.  She said, whatever we find.  I got up and we went for a little walk.  I see some things that I had never seen before.  Some of the plant life was different.

   The more I walked around the more things that I noticed.  Almost everything was different here.  She found easily enough because I made enough noise, she said that I could of scarred off a rattle snake.  She come back with some berries, some other things I had never seen.  Well let’s go back to camp.  When we got back to camp the fire was going pretty well.  I just looked at her and she looked at me.  Who put more wood on the fire? 

Suddenly something jumped us and took us to the ground.  When we got the voice said, kat is that you.  Kat said, yes is it.  We turned around and I just could not believe what I saw.  It was another one.  Kat said is there you kit.  It sure is.  Where have you been all this time anyway kit.  I have been here for a long time just waiting for someone to come back here.  There is plenty of food here now and more enough for us to stay here. 

Then I said, Oh no two girls now.  Kat said, now you’re in for it.  Kit and Kat started talking and they both just walked off.  A little while later they come back and said, eat this it is good for you.  I took a little bite, and it was good.  I ate the rest of it.  I said, anymore.  Cat said, that is all you can have for right now.  I felt sleepy so I found a spot and laid down.  I guess I sleep for quite a while because when I woke up it was morning.  Kit and Kat watched me as I got up.  I felt

funny.  It felt like my shirt was too small.  I took my shirt off and I said, that feels better.    As something in back of make a noise.  I turned around and looked but nothing was there.  The Girls just looked at me and started laughing.  Kat said, well how do you like your new wings.  So that is how you keep your wings.  Kat said, no once you have them you always have them.  No matter where you go and whatever you eat you will now always have them.  So that means that I will have them the rest of my life now.  They just looked at me and then said, didn't you want wings.  I said, it would have been nice to have them, I did not say I would like to have them.  But I guess I will have to live with it now.  Kat and Kit just looked at each other and said, that is why we call ourselves the Rubins.  You found out the secret of the Lost Valley.  We both used to be normal just like you until now that is.

I said can I leave here and go back home? They looked at each other and said we thought after you got your wings you would stay with us. We someone around besides just us two now. Would you stay with us now? I said ok but I have to go back home and get rid of everything and come back here. They said that would be ok and can we come with you? It has been along time since we have been anywhere but here.

When do want to go? I said we can go in the morning ok. The rest of time we was going throughout the forest gathering stuff to take with us. I said we can not take much for there is not much room in my van. You have a van and where is it parked. Not very far from the cave I found you at. She said ok I know the way and now you will have to learn to fly for yourself now.

She said you better practice before we leave the in the morning. The rest of the time I did try to take off but just could not seem to get the hang of it until one said you have to tuck your wings under on the way up. I said OH. I did that took right off. Wow I went higher and higher and then I said how to I get down? The said just glide in a circle pattern and spread your wings wide and like a bird just glide down. I did that landed right where they were at.

I did this for awhile and it started to get dark and I know it was time to get some rest. I said where do we sleep tonight? The said come with us and we come to like a small village with wooden building that was not very small. She said this is where I sleep, and you will sleep over there. I said that will work and when I went into the shack, I call it. There was a makeshift bed. I did not find anything to cover up with. Then I remembered they used their wings to cover them. So I did that it was not too bad. It was not long when I fell asleep.

I was woken up in the morning and they said it is time to leave for you have sleep most of the day. I said I did and they said you did. I got up and went out and said where is the bathroom? They pointed to a small shack and I went over and it was a small out house. That was good and then we flue off and even flue right to the van. I said I have some camping stuff in he cave and said can you two go and get it all for me. They said ok and left and it was not long and they brought every back.

We got in and headed back to the city. Lucky I had some cloths that would fit over our wings.

The story within the city.