Religion Book 10

My Homepage Favorite Links Earthly Experience Book 1 Changing Our Mind Book 2 Basic Information Book 3 Our Safe Zone Book 4 Atheist and Spiritual Life Book 6 My story about the Urantia Book 7 LIFE STAGES BOOK 9 Religion Book 10 Marriage inheritance Book 11  People called The Diggers Book 12 Life Force Book 14 The Artifacts Book 15 Heart of Our Village Book 16 Lost Valley Book 17 Wisha Newspaper Book 18 The Changer Book 19 The Lost Hotel Book 20 The Secret Adventure Book 22 The Power Source Book 23 Max and the Magical Wheelchair: Book 26 Survival from earth to heaven Book 31 7 Progressions of Truth Book 40 God’s place within you Book 45 Abba Nuba: A Journey of Discovery Book 53 A new way of thinking Book 54 Magical Rock: Book 55 Guardians of the Sky Book 56 the Magic Staircase Book 59 Fantasy Hotel Book 60 Fantasy Resort Book 61 Mystical Islands Book 62 The Great Plaines Adventure Book 63-1 The Great Plaines Adventure Book 63-2 Immortal Warriors Book 64 Life Enforcer - The Guardian of the Earth Book 65 The journey of discovery Book 165-1 The Journey of Discovery Book 165-2 story Influence of the Urantia Book, Book 167

Our Earthly Experience and what our Parents did not Teach us.

Book 10.


By John Ruland III

© June, 26 2021


Book 10. Religion

Religion is now, and probably always has been, a hot topic. Religion is a concept that has been used to define many things, but what is religion, really? In The Urantia Book, we are given a refreshingly understandable picture of religion and we are told that it is, among other things, evolutionary, societal, institutional, unifying, spiritual, but most of all - personal. The following collection of quotes will help you to understand the scope of religion as discussed in The Urantia Book, and you may click through any of the references for an expanded context for the quote.

For the most complete look at the subject of Religion, please see

Paper 100, Religion In Human Experience

Paper 101, The Real Nature of Religion

Paper 102, The Foundations of Religious Faith and

Paper 103, The Reality of Religious Experience

What IS Religion?

...religion is a faith-trust in the goodness of God. God could be great and absolute, somehow even intelligent and personal, in philosophy, but in religion God must also be moral; he must be good. Man might fear a great God, but he trusts and loves only a good God. This goodness of God is a part of the personality of God, and its full revelation appears only in the personal religious experience of the believing sons of God. ~ The Urantia Book, (2:6.1)

Religion is destined to become the reality of the spiritual unification of all that is good, beautiful, and true in human experience. ~ The Urantia Book, (5:4.7)

Religion is an independent realm of human response to life situations and is unfailingly exhibited at all stages of human development which are postmoral. Religion may permeate all four levels of the realization of values and the enjoyment of universe fellowship: the physical or material level of self-preservation; the social or emotional level of fellowship; the moral or duty level of reason; the spiritual level of the consciousness of universe fellowship through divine worship. ~ The Urantia Book, (5:5.2)

...while religion is normal and natural to man, it is also optional. Man does not have to be religious against his will. ~ The Urantia Book, (5:5.5)

...Religion is society's adjustment, in any age, to that which is mysterious. As a social institution it embraces rites, symbols, cults, scriptures, altars, shrines, and temples. Holy water, relics, fetishes, charms, vestments, bells, drums, and priesthoods are common to all religions. And it is impossible entirely to divorce purely evolved religion from either magic or sorcery. ~ The Urantia Book, (92:1.3)

...true religion is the only power which can lastingly increase the responsiveness of one social group to the needs and sufferings of other groups. ~ The Urantia Book, (92:1.5)