The Lost Hotel
Some how we got lost and ended up at this castle! That is what it looked like to me anyway. We got up to the gate and hit the button and the gate opened and we went in. We got up to the front door and knocked and the front door opened up and we went in. we could not find anyone everywhere we went. We went from room to room and still no one. We got to this one room and went in and the whole room was covered in glass and we could see out side into the garden. We followed this hall way and we come to another hall way and there was glass on both sides of the hall. We keep going and finely we see someone on the right of us and she waved to us to come in. She said we have been looking for you and it seems like this place is so big that it is easy to get lost here. When we come into the room it was warm in there. It is getting cold out side.
Have a seat and get warm, she said, it is getting cold out now. It seems like we are having a very short summer now. The winters are getting longer and longer. Then she said we will setup a room for you two and then in the morning you can go on your way. I said that will be great. But where are we. We got lost yesterday and ended up here. She said we will give you directions in the morning so you can get back on the highway. I said that will be great. Then she said sit down and I want to tell you a story. About 200 years ago my great, great, great grand father got lost and found this place and in time bought this land and built this hotel and he called it the lost hotel. He advertised it and advertised it and it seemed like no one could find it. So it went into ruin and no one has come here for a long time.