The Secret Adventure Book 22

My Homepage Favorite Links Earthly Experience Book 1 Changing Our Mind Book 2 Basic Information Book 3 Our Safe Zone Book 4 Atheist and Spiritual Life Book 6 My story about the Urantia Book 7 LIFE STAGES BOOK 9 Religion Book 10 Marriage inheritance Book 11  People called The Diggers Book 12 Life Force Book 14 The Artifacts Book 15 Heart of Our Village Book 16 Lost Valley Book 17 Wisha Newspaper Book 18 The Changer Book 19 The Lost Hotel Book 20 The Secret Adventure Book 22 The Power Source Book 23 Max and the Magical Wheelchair: Book 26 Survival from earth to heaven Book 31 7 Progressions of Truth Book 40 God’s place within you Book 45 Abba Nuba: A Journey of Discovery Book 53 A new way of thinking Book 54 Magical Rock: Book 55 Guardians of the Sky Book 56 the Magic Staircase Book 59 Fantasy Hotel Book 60 Fantasy Resort Book 61 Mystical Islands Book 62 The Great Plaines Adventure Book 63-1 The Great Plaines Adventure Book 63-2 Immortal Warriors Book 64 Life Enforcer - The Guardian of the Earth Book 65 The journey of discovery Book 165-1 The Journey of Discovery Book 165-2 story Influence of the Urantia Book, Book 167

The Secret Adventure

Book 22

Chapter 1

This going to be about someone that has a secret that no one must know about for if they do it would not be a secret any longer.

This story starts out in a small town out in the middle of nowhere. the land is pretty much flat with mountains in the background.

The tribe that lives here has been here for more than 1,000 years with its village huts, houses, stores, and even a drug store.

But there is one thing that sets this little village town is that the people here and all orgonite from others that come here to seek a place where they can raise their children without the interference of other governments, kings, and anyone that will seek to rule.

I will get to the big secret soon.

this is the only town within 200 miles from any other village, town, and or even a city. So when some come here they seem to stay for a while.

then they learn the secret of this small town in the middle of really nowhere. I am wondering if anyone has figured out what the secret is so far?

The secret is two things, where does the water come from and where does everyone work?

It seems like everyone here has a job but does not know where there paycheck comes from and even who hired them.

They get paid with an account in the bank. when they get there pay stub there will be a letter with it that states what job they want them to do and or do the same job until next week. So it seems that the bank controls what is need and who does what. but who is behind everything?

Our job now is to find out who is in charge and where does all the money come from.

This is why I call this THE SECRET ADVENTURE.

No one can find out what I am doing and even those that I talk to will not realize what I am doing. But over time I think some will catch on but that is ok and maybe they will help me in my adventure.

Now the first thing is to go and ask questions at the bank to find out if they know where the money is coming from and why. When I got to the bank and when in I could see there was power for there was many lights on. How could this be why out here with no power station within 200 miles. Then realized that no where else within this town there is power except for here.

I walked around some but see within this space where the power source could have come from. I went up to one of the tellers and ask for someone that is maintenance could help me with a problem I am having at home. She said hold on a minute and someone come out right away.

Then is there some place where we can talk? He said follow me. He took me to a small room with a table and four chairs and said this is our brake room for what it is. Is said I have some questions for you and no one has to know that I was here ok. He said ok and I then I said do you know where the power comes from?

He said we have a generator in the basement that provides the power we need but only for this building. We ship in fuel to run it and there is a 1,000-gal underground tank we fill about every 3 months. We only run the generator when the bank is open.

When the bank closes, we maintain it and shut it down until the next day. We only run lights and the one computer we have with a satellite dish on the roof. This way we can keep in contact with the main office in one of the main cities here. I can not tell you what city. I said that is ok. Then I said ok where do you get all the water for the whole town?

He said we have a big well about 10 miles away and we pump the water from there to the tower out side of town. You might not be able to see it for it is about a mile