The Artifacts Story Book 15
The Artifacts
By John R Ruland III
Copyright © 3/31/2020
Other Books
The Changers Church Valley Reservation
The Ship inside the mountain called Life Force
The Wisha News Paper
The Lost Hotel
The Artifacts
We were hiking in the woods when we come up on this big cave. Of course, we went in and explored. We found this cave wall that was different than the other covering on the walls. We pushed on it and it crumbled in our hands and there seemed like there was something behind this wall. So we dug and pushed and then a good size opening opened up. We went inside and there was a big box on one of the walls. We went over and opened the big box knowing not what was in it. We started taking out small hand size totem poles. Each one had something different etched in on all sides. This one I touched seemed to give me great power. I put all them back into the box and I grabbed the box and dragged it out of the cave. Something happened when I got out of the cave my great power left me. Then I could no longer drag the box.
I opened the box and picked up the small artifact and then all of sudden I felt the great power come back in me twice as much and then more as long as I touched it. This one I put in my pocket and keep this one.
I grabbed the box and started dragging it when I reached down and picked up the box and put it on my shoulder. This is when I realized that the more I touched the artifact in my pocket the more great power I had.
I got a little way from the cave and all off a sudden the box got really heavy. I put it down and even when I touched the artifact nothing happened. I opened the box and touched one of the other artifacts and the power come back. Now I am wondering why they left the artifacts in the cave because once out of the cave the power seems to leave them. So I touched the other artifacts and took the box back into the cave. When I did this the one in my pocket come back to life and I felt more power than I did the other artifacts.
Now I know why they left them there in the box. Water and food is a long way off so if they did live here they did not do it for very long. This would be a good fort for protection from other tribes. Lead them here and you are inside the cave and have great straight and can over come them and even kill them if you wanted to with ease.
But because of the water and food so far away that it could not be used to live here for very long. The tribe that lives here is good size and it seems they raise everything they need to feed everyone here. Everyone has a job and knows what needs to be done and they just go and get it done and go home.
This story is about the tribe in their everyday quest to survive here in the jungle.