Survival from earth to heaven Book 31

My Homepage Favorite Links Earthly Experience Book 1 Changing Our Mind Book 2 Basic Information Book 3 Our Safe Zone Book 4 Atheist and Spiritual Life Book 6 My story about the Urantia Book 7 LIFE STAGES BOOK 9 Religion Book 10 Marriage inheritance Book 11  People called The Diggers Book 12 Life Force Book 14 The Artifacts Book 15 Heart of Our Village Book 16 Lost Valley Book 17 Wisha Newspaper Book 18 The Changer Book 19 The Lost Hotel Book 20 The Secret Adventure Book 22 The Power Source Book 23 Max and the Magical Wheelchair: Book 26 Survival from earth to heaven Book 31 7 Progressions of Truth Book 40 God’s place within you Book 45 Abba Nuba: A Journey of Discovery Book 53 A new way of thinking Book 54 Magical Rock: Book 55 Guardians of the Sky Book 56 the Magic Staircase Book 59 Fantasy Hotel Book 60 Fantasy Resort Book 61 Mystical Islands Book 62 The Great Plaines Adventure Book 63-1 The Great Plaines Adventure Book 63-2 Immortal Warriors Book 64 Life Enforcer - The Guardian of the Earth Book 65 The journey of discovery Book 165-1 The Journey of Discovery Book 165-2 story Influence of the Urantia Book, Book 167

Book 31: Survival from earth to heaven.

Today I want to talk about the separation of earthly things from spiritual things.

Can we really tell the difference between the two?

Earthly things that pertain to anything from this earth. Like the plants, animals, humans, water, ground, sky, mountains, anything that pertains to his earth that we live on.

The people that live here over time have come to the conclusion that there are earthly things and then there are spiritual things. How have we come to know about spiritual things is that prophets have come from some place that we had no recollection of where they come from.

That have told us that they come from heaven where we come from and that there is one GOD that is our creator. SO, do we believe them or not? It seems like some of us have believed them and so now we have both earthly things and now spiritual things that we have to learn from.

We learn that earthly things we can see, touch, hear, feel our feelings, we have consciousness and are aware of our surroundings, and we can find what our bodies need every day. Even to find a mate to have children so our world will never run our people to do the things we do to survive from day today.

Earth is all we have known all our lives and some of us cannot comprehend what is beyond our world and what is out there.

If we look around and really see what is in our world, we can tell that everything just did not happen. For we cannot create perfection out of chaos. It would be like putting a printing press in a spacious room with all the ink, paper, letters and blowing it up to make a dictionary. How many times would it take to make that happen? You can do it as many times as you want but will never make a Dictionary or anything for that matter because you just blow it up into little pieces.

So you just cannot create anything from chaos into perfection. For if you look around everything you see is made with perfection. It is all around us for a deity had to create it for nothing can be created out of chaos.

Now for spiritual things that is to us unseen. We have to believe that what we come to understand that is real within the realm of heaven. We will call the supreme deity GOD from now on. For that is really the only name we know him by is GOD.

GOD lives within what he calls paradise in the center of the unaverse. Paradise has no confines of time like we do. The planets are the only places that time exists. So our timeline is our time line. Not GODs time line but ours.

We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience.

Now no matter if you believe there is a GOD or heaven one day you will wake up in Heaven and will learn there is a GOD and will get a chance to repent and live forever in the presence of GOD.

There is no Hell so what will happen is that once you make your choice to repent or if you choose not to you will just cease to exist.

GOD planted DNA into life within this planet and through evaluation we came about. So we have to have both creations within evaluation for every living thing on this planet to come about.

GOD gives us a choice to do what we want with our lives as we see fit and why we cannot find GOD is because we live within GOD himself and once saved GOD can live within us. Though out our lives our choices determines our future and longevity.

I want to give you a chance to repent and let GOD live within you. All you have to do is open your heart and ask GOD in to your heart and then he will live within you forever and ever.


To become Saved. Read below.

Prayer of Salivation


God, I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that God is real, and I make Jesus' lord of my life right now, and I repent of all disobedience and turn from it. God, I have been disobedient against your teachings that you taught so many years ago. I open the door of my heart and let you in. Jesus you are lord of my life, and I will only serve you. I have been disobedient and perverted that which you taught, and it profited me not. Lord, I give myself completely to you. I need your power to live for you. Fill me with overflowing with your Holy Spirit. I receive your fullness right now. I will be and I will do what you want me to do from here on. My will is now is that your will be done. In the name of the creator father, your son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Amen.