My Homepage Favorite Links Earthly Experience Book 1 Changing Our Mind Book 2 Basic Information Book 3 Our Safe Zone Book 4 Atheist and Spiritual Life Book 6 My story about the Urantia Book 7 LIFE STAGES BOOK 9 Religion Book 10 Marriage inheritance Book 11  People called The Diggers Book 12 Life Force Book 14 The Artifacts Book 15 Heart of Our Village Book 16 Lost Valley Book 17 Wisha Newspaper Book 18 The Changer Book 19 The Lost Hotel Book 20 The Secret Adventure Book 22 The Power Source Book 23 Max and the Magical Wheelchair: Book 26 Survival from earth to heaven Book 31 7 Progressions of Truth Book 40 God’s place within you Book 45 Abba Nuba: A Journey of Discovery Book 53 A new way of thinking Book 54 Magical Rock: Book 55 Guardians of the Sky Book 56 the Magic Staircase Book 59 Fantasy Hotel Book 60 Fantasy Resort Book 61 Mystical Islands Book 62 The Great Plaines Adventure Book 63-1 The Great Plaines Adventure Book 63-2 Immortal Warriors Book 64 Life Enforcer - The Guardian of the Earth Book 65 The journey of discovery Book 165-1 The Journey of Discovery Book 165-2 story Influence of the Urantia Book, Book 167



I went on vacation to the mountains one summer and while I was hiking up a mountain side trail I found a big long crystal which had many sides to it along a trail. Just as soon as I picked up the crystal I had a vision. I followed the vision and ended up in front of a big huge cave that was in the side of the mountain. I did not know if I wanted to go in or not because I did not know what I was going to find in there. But after a few minutes all I could do was follow the vision. I come into this big round room. It seemed to be a big control room of some kind. I looked around and I found 5 crystals. Just like the one that I had in my hand.

As I went a little closer I noticed that there was a hole beside the rest of them. It looked just like the one that I had in my hand so I placed the one I had in by hand into the slot and it fit perfectly. All of a sudden the place went wild with sounds and lights. Just then the big screen in the middle of the room came on and as I looked at the screen there was a beautiful woman that said, "the first person that put the crystal back into its portal is the guardian of LIFE FORCE."

You are now talking to LIFE FORCE and your job from now on is to guard life on this planet which you call Earth. We call it GALFRON in the solar system GALF. If at any time you want to come here to Life Force, just say that you have somewhere to go and when you are alone, just say, "transport", and Life Force will transport you here. You will want to come here every day until you have learned everything there is to know about Life Force. After you have learned as much as you can about Life Force you can

have a vacation. In the meantime if Life Force needs you, we will contact you through your transponder that will be implanting on your first transporter trip out of here.

If at any time you will have to stay here there is a big bedroom, a big living room, full kitchen with a food replicator, big full bathroom, a ForSona that you would call a hollow deck. There are 15 ForSona's on this ship that you can use at any time. Each ForSona has its own program that will run. Just say, "RUN PROGRAM", and Life Force will run the program that is on the door. LIFE FORCE will notify you

of any trouble that comes up. In the mean time you will want to get to know what you can about LIFE FORCE. I said to LIFE FORCE, "that I had better get back to camp for now and I will be back tomorrow. LIFE FORCE transported me just outside the mountain.

When I got to camp everything seemed the same as when I had left. All I could think about was LIFE FORCE. I could not wait until the next day. It was getting late so I went to bed but I just could not sleep. Finally, I fell asleep. Right after I woke up, I told all of them that I was going for a hike and I will be back sometime this afternoon. After I got out of camp I said to myself transport. Before I finished saying it I was back on LIFE FORCE. I think this is great. I got there LIFE FORCE said, "there are to many know invaders of Earth that I cannot tell you about them all." I said, "Where are all the ForSona's?" Life Force

said, "All the doors have numbers and what will automatically run is on the door. Look for any door and say what you want or just run the program that is on the door."